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Multifariousness or Diversity and Their Problems!

The Leaders in any Organization should know how to tackle their internal problems and not bringing no more problems of such to the Society, but solutions.

In all types of businesses, organizations, societies, institutions even at the supermarkets to a small group of people on the street and at any sport events, there is diversity. It makes the world advance in all aspect. If diversity means getting the best people and staying open to new ideas in any circumstance. Isn’t this a good idea? In any establishment where there is no existence of diversity, for sure, there wouln’t be success at it’s maximum but at a slowdown rate.

If diversity brings about creativity with diferente ideas to problem-solving which may create more opportunities at the advantage of both the company and employees. Who would have ever thought that this question about diversity would come up in a big form the way it is today, it could be the right way the leaders in all organizations worldwide will use to solve the problems of diversity - rascism, gender, and LGBT and so on and so forth- in all establishments and even resolve the greatest problems ever in the 'homo sapiens’ history. May be this is the reason this great public relations crisis came up from a mammoth giant company like Google and for this reason I believe It is the time for all leaders in both private, public organizations and the leaders in the governments of all the countries worldwide need to be under the same umbrella to solve this problem. If not, it will continue going wider.

The author, James Damore, wrote the infamous memo on along plane flight and posted it to an internal company message board. He might have done the wrong thing by going against the company’s code of conduct by propagating and announcing the ‘harmful gender stereotypes’ , but many experts say there might be some truth in the memo.

Part of the memo says ‘’Mysteriouly the memo was written a month ago seems to have become a problem only after it went viral, forcing the senior management to take action. Which raises an important question thereafter. For a whole month the memo did not seem to have contravened the code of conduct of the company’’. In this case, a sounding and excellent system of leadership ought to be helpful and not to be harmful or being a kind of formidable foe – I mean the leaders at Google should have used the capabilities of game-changing to solve the internal problems and plan for next generation behavioral/business models and in the specific capabilities that will differentiate their promoting a space of multifariousness in their headquarter, branches and even extend this worldwide. This is the kind of leaders, environment and the planet we need now and for the next generations.

According to the school of thoughts, the senior management at Google should have used the moral excellence which means using the quality of doing good and right decision to avoid bringing up the situation the way it is today which may even go wider or even to the worst.

Setting aside the political and social reasons for encouraging a more diverse workplace , a strong coaching system must be adopted with a Strong moral titled ‘’love thy neighbor/coworker’’. Gender diversity has always been in question from time immemorial. But nowadays, women in technology is an on-going challenge so women have to persistently prove their capabilities and strengths. For woman may be, the struggle continues.

Excellent leadership management is required. Conflicts arising from diversity can be eliminated if the teams are well led. A good leader illuminates the path here and there by helping the followers where they are headed and what the journey will look like. Leaders should describe their vision and mission vividly and compellingly so that every single follower will be able to understand and having the willingness to achieve their objective and not putting it as a rivalry matter.

If we have the capacity to generate ideas, we should have the capacity to implement the ideas showing that adverse workforce measurably improves decision making, problem solving, creativity, innovation, and flexibility. A company with a good management system surely knows the "Job to be done" for their customers but a company with a distinguished exceptional management system knows the "Jobs to be done" for both their customers and employees as well. Period!

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