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The Crippling Ideas from the Government Versus the Meaningful Deeds from the Entrepreneur

(In Most Parts of Our Planet)

Our planet needs more entrepreneurs: This is a pure fact,

they make innovation real, advance and make our planet

richer in businesses and healthier in all aspects. But

‘’WHY?’’… because they create what I might called “the

garden economy.” Take for instance, during the first

episode of the Pandemic, the entrepreneurs in the tech

industry were able to make life easier for the common

citizens across the globe by making it possible for people

to have hope of working from home via video

conferences – Zoom, Teams, Whereby, Skype – and with

all these means, businesses were not totally crippled

making it possible for some organizations and people to

continue going about their businesses. So, if the ranks of

these entrepreneurs are rated too slim, it is a failure on

our planet, and, most especially because the wisdom of a

successful entrepreneur can be taught and learned. In

recent time, only few countries can provide leaders to

bring hopes for the common citizens.

Nowadays, in the recent rise of formal education in

entrepreneurship, many institutions are training

hundreds and thousands of young future entrepreneurs,

and their numbers are getting better, but we need much

more. Twelve years ago, their number was insignificant.

We still have a great job to be done to increase the

numbers of business is not appropriate yet, if

the resources devoted to entrepreneurship have

increased tremendously, and yet, we are not seeing new

business start-ups coming up. If it continues to the way it

is now, then maybe, the formal education in

entrepreneur is really functioning against us.

We cannot permit the education of entrepreneur to stay

in the hands of schoolteachers who would be afraid of

economic risk-taking, the lecturers who would be

teaching the future entrepreneurs must be well-

equipped and possess the capabilities to do so and

provide the practical help to focus on business-plan

writing skills and the knowledge of how to get a business

up, functioning and running to meet the needs of the


This might be the time to introduce an intensive program

for undergraduates as this could help them to develop

more interest in starting their own start-ups with advice

from businesspeople. This could serve as a garden

economy, propelling the innovation that yield progress

and prosperity. As we work to extend our base of

entrepreneurs, education can make a difference. But we

must redesign our thought about education.


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