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The New Generation of IT Executives & CIOs

So, this "I'' in Information technology should be given more responsibilities - ''I'' Information + ''I'' Ingenuity + ''I'' Initiative + "I'' Inspiration and Technology = IT.

With the turning point of the unforgiving planet that we are living-in today, all professionals from all kinds of businesses and most especially the CIOs and the IT executives have a unique opportunity to expand their leadership and deliver more value to their business as technology is entirely bringing about new forms of business operations, new experience, new outcome and quick solutions. So the very clever IT executives who are holistic thinkers must be able to change the game by transforming the transformers and broaden their role beyond traditional areas of focus – technology, business, and leadership – to three dimensions incorporating the ‘’three I’s’’ of the New IT executives:

The Three I’s

1 Ingenuity/Savvy: IT executives of nowadays, must be able to have the quality of being clever, original, inventive, and able to foresee what’s coming ahead.

2 Initiative: IT executive of nowadays, must have the ability to assess and initiate things independently and should have the power and opportunity to act or take charge before others do.

3 Inspiration: IT executives of nowadays, must have the process of being mentally stimulated to do and feel something in the sense of participative, collaborative, and sometimes autocratic.

Today’s CIOs and all the executives of IT in every organizations must be participative and collaborative in all aspects to lead their companies grow at scale and grab the market in the era of digital transformation, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), robotics…so, IT crew in any organization should continue transitioning from old to new and from experimental to operations in order to achieve the highest-performing categories of integration, reliability and quality.

However, CIOs have the opportunity to change their role from being operational players to being a strategic partner that help their companies becoming a ‘’digitally thriving company.’’ True digital transformation needs a profound transformation – transformation in the fundamental beliefs of the leadership crew. Changes in leadership beliefs will surely affect organization and from this point, a true digital transformation can be achieved. And if the CIO of any company is able to adapt excellently with these three more responsibilities – ''I'' Information + ''I'' Ingenuity + ''I'' Initiative + "I'' Inspiration and Technology = IT…who knows, this CIO could be named among as part of ‘’board of directors’’.

Related idea has already been raised up by IBM Marc Strohlein Suya Xiog.

Learning new things in this area is very essential because you’ll be acquiring more knowledge that will be at your advantage in your professional career.

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